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Insight: The Importance of Incident Reporting

4th May 2018

Incident Reporting may seem like a laborious task, necessary only for multinational corporations, but to quote the infamous Murphy’s Law, “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong”. Whether you have 5 employees or 5,000, a customer base or not; the likelihood is there will eventually be a situation that will require you to report an incident, this could be anything from security, health and safety, cyber, transportation to compliance. That is why it’s important to have a format for reporting in place ahead of time.

Incident Reporting is something that can apply to a variety of industries and work environments, but in each there is one primary goal: safety. This can be interpreted in many ways:

Physical safety

Ensuring that your employees and customers are protected not only from accidental injury, but from assaults in your location, is arguably the most important purpose an incident reporting software such as Synapse.

Asset Safety

For businesses that hold stock, to sell either in a location or online, protecting these assets from theft or damage is a measure that’s vital to the successful continuation of your business.

Corporate safety

Your organisation’s reputation is almost as valuable an asset as your stock and staff. It’s the result of years of hard work. By making security a priority, you are ensuring that every location is one that your staff and the general public will feel safe in.

Furthermore, keeping a record of any incident that may occur in your organisation isn’t just for your own records. If any kind of criminal offence occurs that requires Police involvement, the records you’ve made can both not only support an investigation or conviction, but even prevent other crimes happening in the future.

From a business perspective, the value of incident reporting is more than offering support to the authorities. It’s a way to gain a unique insight into the way that your organisation is working by looking at the past in order to improve the future.

With trend patterns, you are able to see the areas of your business that need action. If a specific product or location has more incidents than others, you’re able to send resources to rectify the issue. With this knowledge comes an elevated level of protection, which leads directly to the reduction of loss for your business.

What Do Businesses Need From An Incident Reporting Platform?

Synapse can build your app around you to accommodate your organisation’s specific needs, however there are a few features that we know that every business needs.

Simplicity and Efficiency

When there’s work to be done, spending hours creating a report isn’t practical. It’s important that an incident can be reported quickly and easily, so that your workforce can focus on doing their jobs well.

Emergency Services Integration

In the event that an incident requires an emergency response, your team need to be able to get help as quickly as possible. Integrating the emergency services with your reporting system ensures that the relevant authorities can be contacted easily as the report is processed.

Location Tracking

In the interests of efficiency and accuracy, location tracking is the best way to make sure that every incident is reported properly. With Synapse, locations are automatically logged during a report, so that there’s never any confusion.

A Digital Solution

Gone are the days where everything was done with a pen and paper. By digitising the process, you have access to a far more versatile and responsive system that can be tailored specifically to your reporting needs, no matter the size or type of organisation you have. For an incident reporting solution that can offer your company the features it needs, contact the team at Synapse today.

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