Mass notification & emergency communication

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Automated notifications

Automate operations workflows, ensure applications are always working, and deliver remarkable communications at scale with complete service reliability. Automated alerts enables you to set triggers within the system to alert individuals and groups when a specific event occurs.

The powerful workflow engine allows you to trigger notifications at any point, this can range from a critical incident that needs to automatically notify senior stakeholders through to a specific incident type being reported at a location that needs to notify an individual or team with actions.

Key benefits

  • Automate communication to remove any delays and protect from disruptions.
  • Automated triggers of alert communications based on pre-determined workflows and actions.
  • Build templates at a click of a button and alerts will automatically send based on your pre-configure rules.
  • Set triggers within the system to alert stakeholders when a specific event occurs with complete customisation of who,
    what and where.
  • Build automated communication templates and easily apply them to your outbound communications using data codexes.
  • Using automation, the platform identifies who needs to be notified and sends alerts without any involvement from you!
  • Access notifications audit logs to provide total transparency on who received what and when!
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When time is critical - automatically distribute messages across various platforms instantly based on a powerful rule set.

Define criteria for automated alerts, streamlining communication processes for timely and relevant information dissemination.

Predefined formats for notifications and alerts, enabling consistent, efficient communication across different channels and situations.

Allows customisation and selection of diverse communication pathways to optimise reach and recipient engagement.

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Automation triggers and setup

To specific contacts - by category, access level, assignment and individual.

To specific locations and contacts assigned within - by organisation, region, area, site.

To specific contacts located within a geo-radius (configurable radius size).

Configuration over content including subject, from, title, selection of content template, creation of custom content using codexes.

Attachment of maps, images and media direct from the event.

Selection of a wide range of notification rules to enable customised granular or widened rules.

Send 10,000 notifications in under 1 minute (last test <10 secs) and 100,000 notifications in maximum of 3 minutes (last test <40 secs).

Notification automation rules

New event - when a new critical event/incident is created, configurable by category, sub-category and type.

Updated event - when the event is edited and saved, configurable by category, sub-category and type.

Event status - when the event changes status i.e. 'new' to 'closed', configurable by category, sub-category and type.

Event priority change - when the event escalates or de-escalates, configurable by category, sub-category and type.

Event assigned - when the event is assigned to a specific individual, sent directly to the assigned individual.

Event comment added - when a note/comment is added, configurable by category, sub-category, type & based on note method.

Incident response form completed - based on a specific response form, configurable by category, sub-category and type.

New task added - when a task is created (either manually or automated), either linked to an event or independently.

Task assigned - when a task is assigned to an individual, either linked to an event or independently.

Task status change - when a task status changes including becoming 'overdue', either linked to an event or independently.

Template setup

Content template - create pre-defined templates with codexes to automatically populate the notification.

Wrapper template - create external email templates that wraps around the content template i.e a self-branded the template if required.

Template styling - provides formatting options (bold, headings, italics, underline, alignment, bullets, font size, colour, links and images).

SMS template - based on character restrictions

Delivery methods setup

Internal - InApp - sending to a notification to the 'Reporter App'

External - Email & SMS

Social - WhatsApp (business account required)

Recipients audit

From within the event details, access a list of linked notifications (manual & automated) and open to view the individual recipients.

Access the individual recipients and view the content of the notification that was sent.

Frequently Asked Questions

Using automated templates for mass notifications offers several advantages, especially in contexts requiring swift, reliable communication across large groups. These templates are pre-defined messages designed to be sent out automatically under specific circumstances.

In summary, automated templates for mass notifications streamline the process of communicating crucial information, ensuring that messages are consistent, accurate, and delivered promptly. This approach not only enhances the effectiveness of communication strategies but also significantly contributes to safety, compliance, and operational efficiency.

Here's why they are so valuable:

  1. Consistency: Automated templates ensure that every recipient receives the same information, maintaining message consistency. This is crucial during emergencies or when disseminating important updates, as it reduces the risk of misinformation or confusion.
  2. Efficiency: Preparing templates in advance saves time during critical situations. When an event triggers the need for a mass notification, administrators can deploy these messages instantly rather than drafting them from scratch, ensuring timely communication.
  3. Accuracy: By preparing templates ahead of time, organisations can ensure that the information conveyed is accurate and has been reviewed for clarity and comprehensiveness. This is particularly important for instructions related to safety procedures or legal notices.
  4. Scalability: Automated templates can be designed to include variable data fields, which allow for personalisation (e.g., names, specific locations, dates) without compromising the speed of delivery. This scalability ensures that messages are relevant to each recipient, even in a broad distribution scenario.
  5. Compliance: For organisations subject to regulatory requirements regarding communication (e.g., schools, financial institutions, large-scale events), automated templates can be designed to meet legal standards, ensuring compliance with laws and regulations.
  6. Stress Reduction: During emergencies or critical events, the pressure on decision-makers is immense. Having pre-approved templates ready to go reduces the cognitive load and decision fatigue, allowing leaders to focus on managing the situation.
  7. Multi-Channel Distribution: Automated templates can be configured for distribution across multiple platforms (email, SMS, push, WhatsApp, public address systems), ensuring that the message reaches the intended audience through various channels simultaneously.
  8. Rapid Response: In situations where every second counts, such as natural disasters, security breaches, or health emergencies, the ability to send out a coherent, prepared response quickly can significantly impact the outcome.
  9. Performance Analysis: Using standardised templates allows organisations to analyse the effectiveness of their communications over time. By reviewing engagement metrics and responses, they can refine their templates to improve future communications.
  10. Cost-Effectiveness: Automating the process of sending out mass notifications using templates can significantly reduce the costs associated with manual communication efforts, especially in terms of labor and time spent preparing individual messages.


Activities in the platform can trigger automated notifications using templates through a combination of predefined protocols. These triggers are designed to recognise specific events or conditions as triggers for sending out notifications. Here's how this process typically works:

  1. Event Detection/Report: The first step involves the detection/report of a critical event or condition that necessitates immediate communication. This would automatically trigger a communication to a defined user group based on the location, criticality and type of event reported.
  2. Trigger Conditions: Each type of critical event has associated triggers defined within the CEM system. These conditions could be a status change, criticality change, edited report, note added, task completed/overdue etc. - all of which can send templated communications as a form of automated update.
  3. Template Selection: Once an event triggers the system, it automatically selects a pre-configured template relevant to the type of event. These templates are designed in advance and include placeholders for dynamic content, such as the time of the event, specific instructions, and contact information.
  4. Customisation and Personalisation: The system fills in the dynamic content based on the specifics of the event and the intended recipients. For instance, an evacuation notice would include the relevant evacuation routes and shelter locations. If the system is sophisticated enough, it can personalise messages based on the recipient's location or role.
  5. Multi-Channel Distribution: The filled templates are then distributed through multiple channels to ensure broad and effective reach. These channels can include SMS, email, WhatsApp, public address systems, and mobile app notifications. The choice of channels can depend on the urgency of the situation and the preferred communication methods of the recipients.
  6. Reporting and Analysis: After the event, the system generates reports on the notification process, including metrics like delivery rates. This data is crucial for analysing the effectiveness of the notifications and making improvements for future events.

Automated templates play a crucial role in enhancing safety and security across various sectors by ensuring rapid, consistent, and clear communication during critical situations.

Using automated templates for these use cases ensures that critical information is communicated effectively and efficiently, reducing response times and potentially saving lives. By preparing and automating the dissemination of safety and security instructions, organisations can significantly enhance their readiness and resilience in the face of emergencies.

Here are some specific use cases where automated templates can be particularly beneficial for safety and security purposes:

  1. Emergency Evacuation Alerts: In the event of fires, natural disasters, or other imminent threats, automated templates can send out evacuation instructions and safety information to ensure individuals know where to go and what actions to take immediately.
  2. Severe Weather Warnings: Automated templates to notify communities about severe weather conditions such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, or extreme heat, providing specific safety advice and preparation instructions.
  3. Active Shooter Alerts: In the unfortunate event of an active shooter or hostile intruder situation, institutions such as schools, universities, crowed places, events and workplaces can use automated templates to quickly disseminate instructions on lockdown procedures, helping to protect individuals on the premises.
  4. Hazardous Material Releases: For industries dealing with hazardous materials, automated templates can alert employees and nearby communities about accidental releases or spills, providing specific instructions on sheltering in place, evacuation, or other necessary precautions.
  5. Health Emergencies and Pandemic Notifications: During health emergencies, such as outbreaks of contagious diseases, automated templates can be used by health organisations and governmental bodies to distribute preventive measures, quarantine instructions, and vaccination information to the public.
  6. Breach/Unauthorised Access Notifications: Companies can use automated templates to inform employees and customers about breaches or threats, including details on the nature of the breach.
  7. Utility Outage Notifications: For electric, gas, water, or telecommunications outages, utility companies can use automated templates to inform customers about the outage, expected restoration times, and safety tips (e.g., how to report downed power lines or conserve water during a supply interruption).
  8. Travel and Transport Disruptions or Safety Alerts: Transportation alerts can use automated templates to alert people about safety-related travel disruptions, security procedures, and emergency protocols.

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