Incident & critical event management

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Operational daily occurrences

Logging daily occurrences will greatly benefit an organisation by ensuring meticulous recording of all low-level events and activities along with linking significant incidents within a central view. The easy to use tool aids in maintaining a detailed, chronological log that enhances situational awareness, facilitates effective communication between teams, and supports decision-making.

By systematically documenting occurrences as a formal record for management review, ensuring accountability, facilitating communication among shifts, and aiding in the analysis of patterns or trends that could inform future security or operational adjustments. Additionally, it serves as a valuable tool for legal and compliance purposes, ensuring accountability and transparency in operations.

Key benefits

  • Keeps the team informed of all relevant events and incidents, ensuring effective monitoring.
  • Facilitates seamless shift handovers and information sharing between personnel.
  • Streamlines traditionally paper-based activities.
  • Log regular activities such as staff arrival and departure times, minor checks, check-outs, small tasks, non-critical activities, and brief visitor logs.
  • These entries, while seemingly minor, contribute to a detailed operational picture, ensuring comprehensive oversight and the ability to track smaller issues before they escalate.
  • Acts as a formal record of actions and decisions, holding staff accountable for their duties.
  • Serves as a verifiable record for compliance audits and legal inquiries, documenting due diligence and procedural adherence.
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Ensures comprehensive monitoring of daily operations, enhancing visibility over all significant activities and incidents.

Logging actions and events in a record holds individuals responsible, fostering a culture of responsibility and transparency.

Streamlines information management and sharing, reducing errors and speeding up response times to activities and incidents.

Provides a dependable record for reviewing operational decisions and actions, ensuring accuracy in reporting and analysis.

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Out-the-box daily occurrences types

Daily Occurrences Book (DOB) - logging of events and activities within a control room

Lost & found - logging of items covering personal and company property

Confiscations - logging of returnable or non-returnable/illegal property from search points or during a stop-and-search

Key & asset management - Check-in/out keys and assets like radios and other day-to-day assets.

Visitor logging - record of any visitors.

Deliveries & post room - logging of deliveries, tracking and management

Custom daily occurrence types (see: "Customisation")

Edit and customise the existing types or processes specific to your own requirements and processes

Create your own event types and workflows (i.e. radio check-out as an example)

Management tools

Quick add - Rapid slide over tool for adding of a daily occurrence entry from anywhere in the platform instantly.

Linking - linking of incidents and other events, with configurable link relationships - allowing for a investigations to see the bigger picture.

Edit - complete audited changes, collate and manage all evidence centrally ensuring it is handled securely and in a compliant way.

Assignment - triage and allocate responsibility of to individuals and teams.

Statuses - move the daily occurrence report through the cycle through to closure.

Comments - two-way communication with responders, add notes, continuous commentary and narrative to the alarm report.

Mapping - view the location, surrounding area, swop the view from map to satellite & activate layers for people/sites.

Criticality - set default priority & severity levels and manually escalate or deescalate daily occurrences to keep teams informed.

EOP/SOP automation - automate & orchestrate pre-defined standard & emergency operating procedures by the auto-creation of tasks.

Files - upload media, files, CCTV & wide range of files to support an alarm either manually uploaded, from a mobile device or via the API.

Tasks - coordinate the planning & tracking of response tasks to ensure designated actions are completed & deadlines are met.

Notifications - automatic or manually triggered alerts and notifications using a wide range of communication methods.

Responses forms - formalised responses, statements, checks, sign-offs, forms and processes can be setup and enforced.

Plot - add points, polygons & radius to the map with response forms to mark actions and additional locations.

Involved parties - capture of suspects, offenders, organised groups, victims, injuries, witnesses, vehicles and emergency services.

Costs - Log all losses as a consequence of an occurrence - from time-based costs, purchased resources to damages, stock losses etc.

Audit timeline - transparency of all updates, actions and activities conducted on an event, displayed in a clear timeline.

Data restrictions - management and control over user access & permissions defining which user group can access and manage.

Export - export the alarm details in a PDF format to print - PDF reports can branded and customised.

TV mode - for display on control rooms video walls and triage rooms for situational awareness and ongoing updates.

Data push - interface with 3rd party systems via API endpoints.

Daily occurrences analysis (see: "Dashboards & Analysis")

Search - powerful filtering facility & advanced query builder that allows users to customise search criteria, filter & interrogate data sets.

Analysis - map key metrics and unlimited reporting suites and dashboards using flexible widgets - add lists, counts, graphs & maps.

Frequently Asked Questions

Moving from a paper-based Daily Occurrence Book (DOB) to a digital DOB brings numerous benefits that align with the demands of modern operations, enhancing efficiency, security, and accessibility.

Transitioning to a digital DOB is a strategic move that leverages technology to improve operational effectiveness, data management, and security. However, it's important to manage the transition carefully to address potential challenges such as training needs, data migration, and ensuring user buy-in.

Here are key reasons for making the transition:

1. Enhanced Accessibility

  • Remote Access: Digital DOBs can be accessed from multiple locations by authoris`ed personnel, facilitating real-time updates and reviews without the need for physical presence.
  • Multiple Users: They allow simultaneous access by multiple users, enabling real-time collaboration and information sharing.

2. Improved Efficiency

  • Quick Entry and Retrieval: Digital systems allow for faster entry of incidents and quicker retrieval of records, saving valuable time during critical operations.
  • Automation: Automated features, such as time-stamping, user tracking, and template use, streamline the logging process and reduce manual effort.

3. Increased Security

  • Controlled Access: Digital platforms offer sophisticated user access controls, ensuring that sensitive information is only accessible to authorised personnel.
  • Data Integrity: With features like automatic backups and audit trails, digital DOBs help ensure the integrity and security of data against loss, tampering, or unauthorised access.

4. Scalability

  • Growth Accommodation: Digital systems can easily scale to accommodate growth in data volume and complexity without the need for physical storage space.
  • Adaptability: They can be quickly adapted or customised to meet changing operational needs or to incorporate new processes.

5. Enhanced Reporting and Analysis

  • Data Analysis Tools: Many digital DOBs come with built-in analysis tools, making it easier to identify trends, patterns, and insights that can inform decision-making and operational improvements.
  • Custom Reports: Users can generate custom reports to meet specific informational needs, supporting more informed management and operational decisions.

6. Cost Efficiency

  • Reduced Material Costs: Digital DOBs eliminate the need for physical books, pens, and storage facilities, reducing material costs.
  • Operational Savings: The efficiencies gained through digital transformation can lead to significant operational savings over time.

7. Environmental Considerations

  • Paper Reduction: Moving to a digital format significantly reduces paper usage, supporting environmental sustainability efforts.
  • Carbon Footprint: Digital operations can contribute to a lower carbon footprint by reducing the need for physical materials and storage.

8. Legal and Compliance Benefits

  • Compliance Easier: Digital systems can be designed to ensure compliance with legal, regulatory, and industry standards, incorporating features like secure data handling and retention protocols.
  • Audit Trails: Digital DOBs automatically create detailed audit trails of all entries and changes, supporting transparency and accountability during audits or investigations.

9. Real-time Notifications and Alerts

  • Instant Updates: Digital platforms can provide real-time notifications and alerts about new entries or updates, enhancing responsiveness to incidents or operational changes.

10. Data Backup and Recovery

  • Reliability: Automatic backups and cloud storage options ensure data is not lost and can be recovered in case of hardware failure or other disasters.


The Daily Occurrence Book (DOB) is an essential tool in many operational contexts, such as security operations, facility management, law enforcement, and other environments where a continuous log of events, incidents, and activities is necessary for maintaining safety, security, and operational continuity.

Best practices for using a DOB effectively include the following key principles:

1. Timeliness

  • Prompt Entries: Make entries as soon as possible after an event occurs to ensure accuracy and completeness of information. Delayed logging can lead to omitted details or inaccuracies.

2. Accuracy and Clarity

  • Detail-Oriented: Include all relevant details such as dates, times, locations, involved parties, and a clear description of the event or activity.
  • Objective Language: Use objective, neutral language to describe events and avoid subjective judgments or assumptions.

3. Consistency

  • Standardised Format: Use a standardised format for all entries to ensure consistency. This includes using the same structure, terminology, and level of detail.
  • Consistent Timing: Log routine checks (e.g., safety inspections, shift changes) at consistent times to maintain a reliable timeline of operations.

4. Confidentiality and Security

  • Secure Storage: The DOB is stored in a secure cloud-infrastructure to protect sensitive information and ensure that only authorised personnel have access.
  • Confidentiality: Be mindful of personal data and sensitive information. Follow relevant data protection regulations and organisational policies.

5. Comprehensiveness

  • Cover All Relevant Events: Include not just incidents or security breaches but also routine checks, maintenance activities, notable occurrences, and any communications with external agencies.
  • Attachments and Evidence: Attach or reference any related documents, images, or evidence that can support the entries, when applicable.

6. Legibility

  • Readable: Ensure that entries are clear and legible to anyone who might need to read them.
  • Digital Entries: When using a digital DOB, ensure entries are typed and use clear formatting to enhance readability.

7. Review and Action

  • Regular Reviews: Schedule regular reviews of the DOB entries to identify patterns, follow up on unresolved issues, and ensure that all actions have been taken.
  • Actionable Insights: Use the information logged in the DOB to inform decision-making, improve practices, and address recurring issues.

8. Training and Awareness

  • Staff Training: Train all relevant staff on how to make entries correctly, including what information should be recorded and the importance of the DOB.
  • Awareness of Policies: Ensure staff are aware of policies regarding the DOB, including confidentiality, data protection, and the procedure for making entries.

9. Compliance and Auditing

  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure the DOB complies with any legal or regulatory requirements relevant to your operation.
  • Audit Trail: Maintain the DOB as an accurate audit trail for operational activities, incidents, and responses, which can be crucial during investigations or audits.

10. Digital Advancements

  • Leverage Technology: Where possible, use digital DOB solutions to enhance accessibility, improve the security of entries, and facilitate easier searching and reporting.

Adhering to these best practices can significantly enhance the effectiveness of a Daily Occurrence Book as a tool for operational management, accountability, and continuous improvement.

In the aftermath of a major incident, a Daily Occurrence Book (DOB) serves as a critical resource during the review and debriefing process. Its detailed records provide a chronological account of events, decisions made, actions taken, and communications that occurred before, during, and after the incident.

The DOB is an invaluable tool in the post-incident review process, offering a foundation for analysis, learning, and continuous improvement. It helps organisations to not only address and learn from the past incident but also to strengthen their preparedness and response capabilities for the future.

Here’s how a DOB is used in a major incident review:

1. Chronological Event Reconstruction

  • The DOB allows reviewers to reconstruct the sequence of events leading up to, during, and following the incident. This timeline is crucial for understanding the context, identifying any early warning signs, and assessing the response's timeliness and appropriateness.

2. Decision-Making Analysis

  • By reviewing the recorded decisions and actions logged in the DOB, the review team can evaluate the decision-making processes, including who made critical decisions, based on what information, and with what outcomes. This analysis helps in assessing the effectiveness of the command and control structure in place.

3. Response Evaluation

  • Detailed entries in the DOB provide insight into the response efforts, enabling the review team to evaluate the adequacy of the response, resource allocation, and coordination among different teams or agencies. It helps in identifying strengths and areas for improvement in emergency procedures.

4. Communication Assessment

  • The DOB contains records of communications within the organisation and with external entities (e.g., emergency services, media). This allows for an evaluation of the effectiveness of communication channels, protocols, and the clarity and timeliness of information dissemination.

5. Identifying Training Needs

  • Analysis of the actions taken and challenges encountered, as documented in the DOB, can highlight gaps in training or preparedness. This identification is essential for planning future training programs and drills to address these gaps.

6. Legal and Compliance Verification

  • The DOB provides a documented evidence trail that can be used to verify compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and standards. This documentation is crucial for legal accountability and may serve as evidence in any legal proceedings or investigations following the incident.

7. Benchmarking and Lessons Learned

  • The DOB serves as a source of lessons learned by capturing what worked well and what did not. These insights are invaluable for refining emergency plans, updating policies, and improving overall resilience against future incidents.

8. Stakeholder Communication

  • Information from the DOB can be used to inform stakeholders, including affected individuals, regulatory bodies, and the public, about the incident's details and the organisation's response, enhancing transparency and trust.

Best Practices for Using a DOB in Incident Reviews

  • Ensure Comprehensive Documentation: Encourage thorough and detailed logging practices to capture all relevant information.
  • Maintain Confidentiality: Handle the DOB and any sensitive information it contains with the appropriate level of confidentiality.
  • Integrate DOB Insights into Improvement Plans: Actively use insights from the DOB to inform continuous improvement efforts, updating policies, procedures, and training programs accordingly.
  • Facilitate Access for Review Teams: Ensure that the review team has easy access to the DOB, possibly through digital formats, to facilitate efficient analysis.


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