Compliance activities & patrol management

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Task management
(manual & automated)

Guiding compliance actions and incident response through task management – anywhere at anytime, our platform enables you to plan, track, manage and analyse all your tasks in one flexible platform.

With automation you can drive compliance and process by automatically creating tasks or playbooks based on pre-defined rules saving you considerable time and effort, helping you and your team to accomplish more. For example, when an incident occurs, the platforms automation and orchestration engine will create the tasks required to ensure all standard/emergency operating processes (SOP/EOPs) have been triggered and actions are completed by your team.

Key benefits

  • Allow users to manually create specific tasks linking them to a critical event/incident or created as a standalone task.
  • Conduct a task anywhere, on any device, at any time – totally mobile.
  • Assignment of tasks to individuals and in turn, linked to teams.
  • Send automated communications when tasks are assigned and overdue etc.
  • Automated tasks can be generated on specific incident types or status changes driving pre-defined processes.
  • Setup pre-configured templates and playbooks to align them with you Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs), along with setting up automated deadline times/dates and align to your response times.
  • Create pre-configured and dynamic task and checklist templates that are easy to update.
  • Measure your key performance indicators (KPIs) and compliance and regulatory requirements.
  • Quickly identify non-compliance trends. Track, monitor and escalate.
Synapse Divider


Streamlining tasks and processes reduces wasted time and resources, allowing teams to focus on priority activities.

Clear task assignments and objectives ensure everyone knows their roles, deadlines, and expectations, reducing confusion and overlap.

Assigning tasks with specific deadlines enhances individual responsibility, ensuring tasks are completed on time and standards are met.

Effective task management leads to more work being done in less time, increasing overall organisational output and success.

Synapse Divider
Manual Tasks

Create & edit tasks - created by, task title, task type, description, status, attachments, assignee, linked incident, due-date & time

Link chronological task completion with other tasks assigned to an incident

Assign tasks to individuals and teams

Automated tasks based on templates and rulesets

Task templates assigned based on event type, priority/severity/status and location

Upload resources and link to task templates for quick access (i.e. documents, policies, instructions, videos, links, faqs)

Conducting tasks

Re-assignment of task to other users

Change the status of tasks (i.e. complete, in-progress, cancelled etc. - configurable options)

Add notes/comments and upload files/attachments directly to the task

Notifications for tasks assigned and ‘overdue reminder’ (entry of days/hours) to the assignee and creator

Time logging and tracking

Task analysis (see: "Dashboards & Analysis")

Search - powerful filtering facility & advanced query builder that allows users to customise search criteria, filter & interrogate data sets.

Analysis - map key metrics and unlimited reporting suites and dashboards using flexible widgets - add lists, counts, graphs & maps.

Frequently Asked Questions

A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is a set of step-by-step instructions compiled by an organisation to help workers carry out complex routine operations. SOPs aim to achieve efficiency, quality output, and uniformity of performance, while reducing miscommunication and failure to comply with industry regulations.

SOPs are widely used in various industries including healthcare, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, and any sector where quality standards need maintaining. They are crucial for maintaining quality control across activities that are performed on a regular basis and are a key component of a quality management system.

The main objectives of an SOP include:

  • Ensuring consistency and reliability in the performance of specific tasks or functions.
  • Improving communication among staff by providing clear and accessible guidelines.
  • Enhancing safety by standardising the way potentially hazardous tasks are performed.
  • Facilitating training by serving as a training document for new employees and a reference for experienced staff.
  • Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements by documenting and standardising practices in line with external standards.


Creating a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for responding to slips, trips, and falls within a specific location is crucial for ensuring the safety and well-being of all individuals on the premises. Such incidents can lead to serious injuries and have significant implications for workplace safety and health compliance. The following template provides a basic framework for an SOP that can be customised to suit the specific needs and regulatory requirements of any location, such as an office, factory, or public building.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Slip, Trip, and Fall Incidents


To establish a systematic response to slip, trip, and fall incidents within [Specify Location] to prevent injuries and to provide immediate assistance to any individual who has been injured in such an incident.


This SOP applies to all employees, contractors, visitors, and any other persons present at the specified location.


  • All Employees: Report any hazards that could lead to a slip, trip, or fall; assist in incident response and investigation.
  • Safety Officer/Designated First Aider: Provide first aid, coordinate response efforts, and lead the investigation into the incident.
  • Facilities Management: Maintain safe premises and rectify identified hazards.
  • Human Resources/Management: Review incident reports and implement measures to prevent future incidents.


  1. Immediate Response
    • Assess the situation to ensure your own safety before approaching the victim.
    • Offer support to the injured person without moving them. Avoid moving the victim unless they are in immediate danger (e.g., fire, chemical spill).
    • Call for medical help if the injury appears serious. Use the emergency number [Specify Number] or direct someone to call for help.
    • If trained and safe to do so, provide first aid.
  2. Reporting the Incident
    • Report the incident to the safety officer or designated person as soon as possible.
    • Complete an incident report form [Specify Location/Form] detailing what happened, including the date, time, and any witnesses. Include photos if applicable.
  3. Securing the Scene
    • Secure the area where the incident occurred to prevent further incidents. This may involve cordoning off the area or putting up warning signs.
    • Preserve evidence that might help in investigating the incident, such as what caused the slip, trip, or fall.
  4. Medical Treatment
    • Accompany the injured person to receive medical treatment if necessary.
    • Ensure that a detailed medical report is obtained for insurance and record-keeping purposes.
  5. Investigation
    • Conduct an investigation into the incident to identify the cause and any contributing factors.
    • Review surveillance footage if available.
    • Interview the victim and any witnesses for their accounts of the incident.
  6. Corrective Actions
    • Based on the investigation findings, implement corrective actions to prevent similar incidents in the future. This could involve repairs, modifications to the physical environment, changes in procedures, or additional employee training.
  7. Follow-Up
    • Monitor the effectiveness of corrective actions and make adjustments as needed.
    • Provide support and follow-up care to the injured individual to facilitate their recovery and return to work.
  8. Documentation and Review
    • Ensure all documentation related to the incident and subsequent actions is completed and filed appropriately.
    • Regularly review slip, trip, and fall incidents and response procedures to identify trends and areas for improvement.


  • Provide regular training to all employees on slip, trip, and fall prevention, including how to identify hazards and the importance of reporting.
  • Train designated first aiders and safety officers in incident response and investigation procedures.

Equipment and Resources

  • Ensure that first aid kits are easily accessible throughout the premises.
  • Maintain an adequate supply of safety signage and barrier equipment to secure hazardous areas promptly.


This SOP is designed to ensure a prompt, effective, and compassionate response to slips, trips, and falls, thereby minimizing injury and contributing to a safer environment for everyone at the specified location. Regular reviews and updates to this SOP are essential to incorporate best practices and feedback from incident responses.

Creating a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for responding to unauthorised access at a location ensures a systematic and effective approach to safeguarding the premises and its occupants against potential threats or security breaches. This SOP outlines the steps to be taken when an individual gains or attempts to gain unauthorised entry into a specified location, such as a corporate office, educational institution, or any secured area. The goal is to quickly and efficiently address the situation, mitigate any risks, and ensure the safety and security of all legitimate occupants.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Unauthorised Access


To establish a protocol for responding to incidents of unauthorised access within [Location], ensuring a swift and coordinated response to secure the premises and protect occupants.


This SOP applies to all security personnel, staff, and any individuals who are responsible for or could be affected by a breach in security due to unauthorized access.


  • Security Personnel: Primary responders to incidents of unauthorized access, responsible for assessment, containment, and reporting.
  • Facility Management: Support security measures, assist in managing the situation, and facilitate access to areas as needed.
  • All Staff: Report any suspicious behavior or unauthorized access attempts to security personnel immediately.


  1. Detection and Initial Response
    • If unauthorised access is detected or suspected (e.g., through alarms, access control systems, or visual confirmation), security personnel should immediately assess the situation to confirm the breach.
    • Attempt to visually identify the unauthorised individual(s) while maintaining a safe distance. Note distinctive features, clothing, or any carried objects.
    • Report the incident via the app or radio to the control room for them to report.
  2. Containment
    • Initiate procedures to contain the situation, aiming to prevent the intruder from moving freely, accessing sensitive areas, or exiting the premises with stolen property.
    • This may involve activating specific doors or gates to lock down areas, depending on the facility's access control capabilities.
  3. Notification
    • Immediately notify the head of security or facility management about the unauthorized access.
    • Depending on the severity and potential threat, contact local law enforcement for assistance.
  4. Approach and Engagement
    • Security personnel should approach the unauthorized individual only if it is safe to do so without compromising their own safety or that of others.
    • Communicate clearly and firmly with the individual, instructing them to stop and identify themselves.
    • If the situation escalates or the individual poses a clear threat, prioritize safety and wait for law enforcement to arrive.
  5. Evacuation (If Necessary)
    • If the unauthorized access results in a direct threat to the safety of occupants (e.g., armed intruder), initiate evacuation procedures as outlined in the emergency response plan.
  6. Documentation
    • Document all details of the incident, including the time of detection, description of the unauthorized individual, actions taken by security and staff, and the outcome.
    • Log the offending person into the database with identification, characteristics and personal information if available for future prevention purposes.
    • Issue banning notice (if required)
    • Use surveillance footage, access control logs, and witness statements to compile a comprehensive report.
  7. Review and Follow-Up
    • Conduct a debriefing with involved personnel and law enforcement (if involved) to review the response and identify any gaps or areas for improvement in security measures.
    • Update the SOP based on lessons learned and feedback from the incident.


  • Provide regular training for security personnel and staff on recognizing signs of unauthorized access, response procedures, and communication protocols.
  • Conduct drills simulating various scenarios of unauthorized access to ensure familiarity with procedures and to evaluate the effectiveness of the response.

Equipment and Resources

  • Ensure all security systems, including surveillance cameras, access control, and alarm systems, are regularly maintained and fully operational.
  • Provide security personnel with the necessary equipment and resources to safely respond to incidents of unauthorized access.


This SOP is designed to ensure a coordinated and effective response to unauthorized access, minimizing risks and protecting the premises and its occupants. Regular review and training are essential to maintain preparedness and to continuously improve the security posture of the specified location.

An Emergency Operating Procedure (EOP) is a formal document that outlines the actions to be taken by an organisation or facility in response to an emergency situation. These procedures are designed to mitigate the effects of emergency events, protect lives, and minimise damage to property and the environment. EOPs are critical components of an organisation's emergency management plan, providing specific, detailed instructions on how to respond to various types of emergencies such as fires, natural disasters, medical emergencies, or security threats.

Creating and maintaining an EOP involves identifying potential emergency scenarios, evaluating the risks associated with those scenarios, and developing procedures to address them. It's a collaborative process that often involves input from various departments within an organisation as well as coordination with local emergency services and government agencies.

Key characteristics of an EOP include:

  • Preparedness: EOPs help organisations prepare for emergencies by detailing necessary resources, equipment, and roles of personnel during an incident.
  • Response: They provide a clear, step-by-step action plan for immediate response to an emergency, ensuring a coordinated and effective approach.
  • Recovery: EOPs often include strategies for recovery and resumption of normal operations following an emergency, aiming to reduce downtime and economic impact.
  • Communication: Effective EOPs include communication protocols to inform and coordinate with internal stakeholders, emergency services, and, if necessary, the public.
  • Regular Updates and Training: To remain effective, EOPs require regular reviews and updates based on lessons learned from drills and actual emergencies. Regular training and drills are also essential to ensure that staff are familiar with the procedures and can perform them under pressure.


Creating an Emergency Operating Procedure (EOP) for a medical emergency at a specific location, such as a workplace or event, involves several key steps to ensure that the response is quick, effective, and coordinated.

Below is a generic outline of what an EOP for a medical emergency might look like. This template should be customised based on the specific needs, risks, and resources of the location in question.

Emergency Operating Procedure (EOP) for a Medical Emergency


To provide a standardised procedure for responding to a medical emergency within the premises to ensure prompt and efficient care for the victim and to minimise further harm.


This procedure applies to all employees, visitors, contractors, and any other individuals present at the [Location].


  • Medical Emergency: Any sudden illness or injury that poses an immediate risk to a person's health or life which requires immediate intervention.
  • First Responder: The first person on the scene who provides initial care in a medical emergency.
  • Emergency Response Team (ERT): A group of employees trained to respond to emergencies, including medical emergencies.


  1. Assessment
    • Quickly assess the situation to determine the nature and severity of the medical emergency.
    • Ensure your own safety before approaching the victim (e.g., check for hazards such as fire, chemicals).
  2. Alert
    • Immediately call the designated emergency number (e.g., 999, 911 or local equivalent) or the in-house emergency/medical response team if applicable. Report the incident via the mobile app or radio to control room to complete the report. Provide the following information:
      • Nature of the medical emergency
      • Exact location of the emergency (building/floor/room number)
      • Number of individuals involved
      • Summary/high-level information
      • Your name and contact information
  3. Response
    • If trained, provide immediate first aid or CPR to the victim as required. Do not attempt to move the victim unless there is an immediate danger (e.g., fire, toxic gas). Ensure any actions are logged in as near realtime or another member of staff is documenting.
    • Use the emergency medical kit available on the premises if needed.
    • Assign someone to meet the emergency responders at the entrance to guide them to the location of the emergency.
  4. Evacuation (If Necessary)
    • Follow the in-house evacuation procedure if the situation requires evacuating the building or local area.
    • Ensure that the victim is evacuated safely if required by the emergency.
  5. Documentation
    • Once the emergency is handled, document the incident, including the nature of the emergency, actions taken, and the outcome.
    • Report the incident to the appropriate authority within the organisation (e.g., HR department, safety officer).
  6. Review and Debrief
    • Conduct a debriefing session with all involved parties to discuss the response to the emergency and identify any areas for improvement. i.e. defibrillator installation in more areas of the location, additional first aid training, drills
    • Update the EOP as needed based on feedback and lessons learned from the incident.


This EOP is intended to ensure a structured and effective response to medical emergencies at the specified location. It is crucial for all personnel to be familiar with these procedures and to act promptly and calmly in the event of a medical emergency.

This template provides a basic framework, but it should be tailored to the specific conditions and requirements of the location, including local laws and medical practices. Regular review and practice of the EOP are essential to ensure its effectiveness in a real emergency.

Creating an Emergency Operating Procedure (EOP) for a domestic threat or terrorist emergency involves planning and preparation to respond effectively to various scenarios, including active shooters, bomb threats, or chemical attacks. This type of EOP is crucial for ensuring safety and minimising risks to individuals within a specific location, such as an office building, school, or public venue. Below is a general outline of what such an EOP might entail. This template should be adapted to the specific context and needs of the location, incorporating local laws, regulations, and emergency services capabilities.

Emergency Operating Procedure (EOP) for Domestic Threat or Terrorist Emergency


To establish a coordinated and efficient response to any domestic threat or terrorist-related emergency within the premises, aimed at protecting lives, minimising injuries, and securing property.


This EOP applies to all individuals present at [Location], including employees, visitors, contractors, and any other persons.


  • Domestic Threat or Terrorist Emergency: Any act or threat of violence, including but not limited to bombings, shootings, or chemical attacks, intended to instill fear or cause harm.
  • Lockdown: A procedure used when there is an immediate threat to the premises. Individuals are instructed to stay secured in rooms, away from windows, and silent.
  • Shelter-in-Place: A procedure used during a chemical or biological threat, where individuals are kept inside a building with doors and windows closed to minimize exposure.
  • Evacuation: The organized removal of individuals from the premises to a safer location.


  1. Identification of Threat
    • Any individual who notices suspicious activity or receives information about a potential threat should immediately alert [Designated Security Office/Emergency Number] and provide detailed information.
  2. Immediate Actions
    • Lockdown: Initiate a lockdown if the threat involves an active shooter or intruder. Secure all doors, turn off lights, and stay away from windows. Remain quiet and do not open doors until an official "all clear" is given by authorities.
    • Shelter-in-Place: If the threat involves a chemical, biological, or radiological agent, instruct individuals to shelter-in-place. Close and seal all windows and doors. Turn off HVAC systems to prevent external air from entering.
    • Evacuation: Evacuate the premises if the threat is outside or if instructed by emergency responders. Use designated evacuation routes and assembly points.
  3. Communication
    • Provide regular updates to all occupants using available communication systems (PA system, text alerts, emails) without jeopardizing safety.
    • Inform local law enforcement and emergency services immediately about the threat and follow their instructions.
    • Designate a spokesperson to handle external communications, including with the media, to ensure accurate and consistent information is released.
  4. Assistance to Emergency Responders
    • Assign staff members to assist emergency responders by providing information about the premises, including layout, access points, and any known information about the threat.
  5. Post-Emergency Actions
    • Conduct a headcount to account for all individuals.
    • Provide first aid and medical assistance to any injured persons until emergency medical services arrive.
    • Secure and preserve the scene for investigation by law enforcement, ensuring that evidence is not disturbed.
  6. Recovery and Debrief
    • Organize debriefing sessions for all affected individuals to discuss the incident, address concerns, and provide psychological support.
    • Review and revise the EOP based on lessons learned and feedback from participants and emergency responders.

Training and Drills

  • Conduct regular training sessions for all staff and occupants on emergency procedures, including lockdown, shelter-in-place, and evacuation.
  • Perform drills periodically to ensure everyone is familiar with emergency procedures and to identify areas for improvement.

Equipment and Resources

  • Ensure that emergency supplies, including first aid kits, communication devices, and protective equipment, are readily available and well-maintained.
  • Install and maintain security systems, including surveillance cameras and access control systems, to enhance the safety and security of the premises.


This EOP is designed to provide a structured response to any domestic threat or terrorist emergency, emphasizing the importance of preparation, communication, and coordination. Regular updates, training, and drills are essential to ensure the effectiveness of the procedure and the safety of all individuals involved.

This template offers a foundational structure for developing a specific EOP tailored to the unique aspects and needs of a given location. Collaboration with local law enforcement and emergency services is crucial for ensuring comprehensive planning and response capabilities.

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